Wednesday, October 31, 2007


I can't believe its been a month since I've posted last. All the little ones are growing.

Jenna is becoming Hooked on Phonics; I can't believe the improvement I have seen since we started with the program. She really starting to associate certain sounds with certain letters, and even attempting to sound out the letters. She read her 1st book the other day in the HOP series. Such a Proud momma. Also Her writing is also improved, and as a new form of discipline she is writing sentences..more so for the practice than anything else. I am really enjoying homeschooling her, and can't believe the difference in her. This eve Brian, Myself, Jenna and our friends the Kahler's went to Cosmic Trick or Treat bowling. Jenna had so much fun. She was able to dress up in a fairy costume (it will be too cold tomorrow eve for her to wear). And she was able to bowl. She really enjoying bowling on our Nintendo Wii; and that enthusiasm really seemed to carry over to the real lanes. I plan on doing a fall / halloween slide show after tomorrow night, and will include all the pictures from tonight on it, but here is just a few of her!!!


Kara Jean is already 19 months old, oh my where does the time go. She's picking up new words every day. Her favorites right now are "Momma, Daa Da, Papa (Who is her favorite person at this moment..but I'm proud to say I am running a close 2nd), Kitty, Sissy, Barney and Phone. She is a happy baby, and loves to sleep. She has recently discovered the same love for Barney as her sister had, and likes to bring me the TV remote to change it for her. She is into baby dolls, more so than Jenna ever was. She stayed with my parents this eve, when we took Jenna bowling and had much fun with Grammy and Papa and even learned two new special words "GG and Mimi"!!!

The Entire Family-

We are still enjoying the newest member of our family "Charger" . The other night we took the girls to the playground and they seemed to have so much fun. They enjoy playing together and I enjoy taking pictures of them doing just that. During the day, I am babysitting for our friends Dave & Kerry for their Daughter Grace. But I will include those pictures when I do the post for Halloween. Thanks everyone for checking our blog, and make sure to leave us comments so we know who came by for a visit!!

Love to All!!!


Brian, Kacy, Jenna and Kara Jean!!


Kathy said...

What beautiful little girls, and the cat is adorable too! Enjoy yourselves trick or tricking tonight and stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Glad Jenna had fun bowling. Great to hear the progress the girls are making with their different word related stuff as well. :)