Monday, June 02, 2008

Sunday, we took the girls to the Toledo Zoo. We got up early, and arrived as the zoo opened, we got a great parking spot and was able to enjoy alot of the zoo before it got busy (after lunch). I had found on their website that they do picnic lunches that you can preorder. I thought for the $34 I would give it a try. I was amazed at the time the put into them. The Adult lunches came with A lunch meat sandwich on a sub type bun, a cup of coleslaw, a bag of chips, large sodas, and a cup of fresh fruit. The Girls lunch came with a lunch meat sandwich on white bread, and then they got their own little souvenir's lunch boxes to bring home and they had raisins; juice box; and a bag of pretzels. (I have pictures of that in the slide show). We also ran into Brian's Sister and Nephew at the zoo... and Jenna said "Who let Tina in the zoo?" The Girls also got caricature pictures drawn.

Kara was overly tired and wasn't in the best mood, so I think hers isn't as reflect of her and Jenna's is. We spent five hours there and was not able to get to the gorilla portion of the zoo, so I think we are going to go back soon. After everything was said and done, we were able to put our admission towards a membership, so now we can go as often as we like for free. We asked Jenna what her favorite part of the zoo was and she said "My favorite part of the zoo, was spending the entire day with my family"....that sums up my feelings too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you had a good time, thanks for sharing the pictures.